No. 73. Tranquil’s use of riches.
That every man would be rich if a wish could obtain riches, is a position which I believe few will contest.
That every man would be rich if a wish could obtain riches, is a position which I believe few will contest.
Men complain of nothing more frequently than of deficient memory; and, indeed, every one finds that many of the ideas which he desired to retain have slipped irretrievably away
Dick Shifter was born in Cheapside, and, having passed reputably through all the classes of St. Paul’s school, has been for some years a student in the Temple.
Few faults of style, whether real or imaginary, excite the malignity of a more numerous class of readers, than the use of hard words.
Some principles, either wholly erroneous or too far extended, hindered our success from being always equal to our diligence.
At last, by a concurrence of many causes, the European world was roused from its lethargy; curiosity and translation found their way to Britain.
To enforce and illustrate my meaning, I have sent you a journal of three days’ employment, found among the papers of a late intimate acquaintance.
Of those who once filled the civilized world with their renown, nothing is now left but their names
He that records transactions in which himself was engaged has an opportunity of knowing innumerable particulars which escape spectators.
Tell me what I must do next; I have health, I have money, and I hope that I have understanding; yet, with all these, I have never been able to pass a single day which I did not wish at an end before sun-set.